15 November 2013

Judge Dredd -- Prepwork #3

Clean-up continues to progress quite nicely. The head is the first piece to be completed, and it is now pegged and on its work block awaiting final once-over and priming.

Very little remains to be done as I am effectively in final once-over -- before assembly. One area that will demand my attention in the days ahead are the belt's magazine pouches: upon close inspection,  there were quite a few air bubbles along the edges. While these were filled last week, reduction (of filler) and re-detailing await.

A notable addition was made this evening, and that was the viewfinder of the TTB (through the barrel) sighting system. The digital render shows the full viewfinder (much as we see in the new Judge Anderson release), but the kit provides but a rudimentary eyepiece; thus, the distinctive "knob" of the Lawgiver MK 1 is a must enhancement. This was done with a piece of sprue sand- ed to the appropriate diameter, and superglued in place. Final detailing has yet to be done.

More to follow. . .

FOLLOW-UP. . . I was entertaining adding the second, upper magazine to the Lawgiver, but decided that it would be too much of a distraction. Instead, I opted to replace the flimsy resin barrel of the weapon with one made from copper tubing ground-down to size. This relatively simple, albeit nerve-wracking, procedure makes all the difference in the world!

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