09 February 2014

"Mean Machine" Angel - Prep 1

I have to say that. . . THIS IS AN AWESOME FIGURE!!!

While some Liquin was setting on the pieces on the painting bench, I spent the last hour working on "MM". There is very little clean-up to do; and what there is, is dealt with in short order with burr, blade, and file. The torso and legs have been permanently joined.

Most of my time was spent working on the crimped cable on the mechanical arm, as provided-- this is now mostly history. If you decide to take this route, proceed slowly, and do not remove too much at once: what can be overlooked by having a piece cast en suite will be be all-too visible to one and all with a separate item! Think ahead--and twice again!--before removing any stock.

Once the stock cable is removed, then the fun(!) begins: the mechanical arm will be enhanced and detailed with additional cabling and wire.

Stay tuned!

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