09 September 2017

Lady Stoneheart -- Painting - UCing

The flesh is now undercoated. This entailed stippling various tones of whites and pale greys integrated with darker greys and olive drabs to create an essentially achromatic, mottled finish. 

I also uc'ed the eyes and the teeth, as well as the wound. The facial canvas is now ready to accept oils; but first, complete the uc'ing to properly frame the pallid flesh. . .

FOLLOW-UP. . . The eyes--or rather, the irises--are now done. As with Jessica, these were blocked-in (read: undercoated) using acrylics. Next, I will overpaint the irises in oils; and when dry, proceed with the pupils.

I also uc'ed the interior of the hood. . .

FOLLOW-UP (2). . . The chemise, the underside of the cloak and the pedestal have been uc'd/ painted.

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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