24 May 2013

iM's "Freaky Gothic" - Prep & Assembly (1-A)

The right lapel, the more difficult of the two, is now fitted and I'm through about 90% of the clean-up of the same.

I am real curious to see how others (especially the gk'ers) will approach this item. The fit of my particular sample left something to be desired. I had to shim two major sections with MS and recreate a more suitable transition between the lapel and the pants. Obviously, nothing that we don't do in some fashion on virtually every figure that lands on our benches; but this is definitely not a "shake and bake" figure. On the plus side, it is now a seamless fit.

The next major area to be shimmed is the left arm: the fit is just not right. Once this is done, most of the major assembly prepwork will be completed, and I can begin to focus on clean-up and assembling subassemblies. 

As I mentioned earlier, the beautifully-cast bicorne will not be used; instead, I plan to replace it with a bonnet rouge. This will not only introduce some colour, but it will "suggest" something alien.

That's it for now. More to follow soon. . . 

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