29 March 2020

White Ape of Barsoom-2: Prepwork - Phase (1)--cont.

The figure has been tentatively assembled, with the intermediary scapulae permanently attached. Once the filler putty has cured, I will reassess the proportions before permanently assembling the component sections of the body, and commencing work on the integrating musculature.

I have also tentatively fitted the head and commenced the reworking of the same, most significantly removing the en suite canines.

FOLLOW-UP. . . The intermediary left limb has been pegged and tentatively fitted to the body.

UPDATE -  30.03.2020. . . The figure is now permanently assembled, "filled", and I have begun to rough-in the integrating musculature. The only pieces left to attach permanently are the head, the intermediary arms, and the upper set of forearms. I have also modelled a roach of hair along the sagittal crest of the cranium.

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

27 March 2020

White Ape of Barsoom. . . redux!

Nearly nine years ago, I embarked on what is one of my favourite projects of all time: the Great White Ape of Barsoom from Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoomian [Mars] series.

I do not own that precious fruit, so in the back of my mind I always thought I might retackle it should the opportunity arise; however, with the untimely demise of the manufacturer, Smart Max, the odds were very much against it ever happening. . . until about a fortnight ago! Against all odds, I ran across 2 kits of Mr. Honk (XXXIII) at a very affordable pricepoint from a single retailer.

I have read and re-read my bench log to re-familiarize myself with the then-project, and it was finally time to start cutting and grinding--again.

Step 1 follows Phase 1 fairly closely. There have been a few minor deviations, but, to date, the torsos have been sectioned, reduced, and pegged; and I am in the midst of tentatively locating the intermediary set of arms. While Pegasus' Gothic Rubble set #2 appears to have been dis- continued, I have the remainder of the set with which to create my Barsoomian landscape. . .

Now, as then. . .a very promising start.

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

17 March 2020

Exhuming Smart Max!

The regulars in the readership know what a committed fan I was of Smart Max's product line, es- pecially their SMOG 1888 series. Superb design and sculpture; VG+ to Excellent casting; and above all, creativity and imagination to . . . well. . . the Max! Regrettably, the line is no more. I don’t know the particulars behind its untimely demise. Its denouement was not unlike that of Knight Models, in that the wargaming foundation eventually overtook the miniature edifice, and 
we were left wondering what might have been. . .

My disposable time has been at a premium of late, so relatively little time has been spent at either bench. What I have been doing is reviewing my miniatures’ “bucket list”, and checking on the availability of core figures for future projects. I came across my project list for Smart Max, and two entries immediately caught my eye: Kaïn Finger (LXX) and Mister Honk (XXXIII).

In 2011-12, I kit-bashed two kits of Mister Honk to create a Great White Ape of Barsoom. This has been one of my all-time favourite creations, and I truly wish I had it in my collection. This past weekend I was browsing through eBay when I stumbled across two kits of Mister Honk at very affordable prices; the same seller had one kit of Kaïn Finger. It was time to revisit the past—literally and figuratively. . .

The Mister Honk kits will eventually – hopefully – be my second Great White Ape of Barsoom, and pave the way for the Barsoomian denizens in my ‘great grey army’. Kaïn Finger has been on my project list for nearly a decade, and I am just glad to have the opportunity to bring this crea- ture of the night to the light of day. . .

More to follow. . .

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

07 March 2020

"Gothic Bat - Haunted" - Prepwork 2: The Cape

As I continued reconfiguring the "topography" (drapery) of the cape--and reducing the volume of the same--I decided to lengthen a portion of the cape to improve the visual flow and restore some of the apparent volume. And. . . make it more Jones-esque!

The extension is now roughed-in and curing. I will begin reduction and configuration tomorrow. . . 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

06 March 2020

"Gothic Bat - Haunted" - Prepwork 1

Done to-date. . . 
  • As alluded to in an earlier posting, the separate head and cape are now a single unit and fitted to the body, albeit still a separate piece.
  • The cowl's ears have been elongated.
  • The vamp and toe box of the boots have been reworked.

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003