27 March 2020

White Ape of Barsoom. . . redux!

Nearly nine years ago, I embarked on what is one of my favourite projects of all time: the Great White Ape of Barsoom from Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoomian [Mars] series.

I do not own that precious fruit, so in the back of my mind I always thought I might retackle it should the opportunity arise; however, with the untimely demise of the manufacturer, Smart Max, the odds were very much against it ever happening. . . until about a fortnight ago! Against all odds, I ran across 2 kits of Mr. Honk (XXXIII) at a very affordable pricepoint from a single retailer.

I have read and re-read my bench log to re-familiarize myself with the then-project, and it was finally time to start cutting and grinding--again.

Step 1 follows Phase 1 fairly closely. There have been a few minor deviations, but, to date, the torsos have been sectioned, reduced, and pegged; and I am in the midst of tentatively locating the intermediary set of arms. While Pegasus' Gothic Rubble set #2 appears to have been dis- continued, I have the remainder of the set with which to create my Barsoomian landscape. . .

Now, as then. . .a very promising start.

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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