22 August 2014

Thanos - Prepwork (2)

With the release of Guardians of the Galaxy, "The Mad Titan" (bka Thanos) has once again leapt to the forefront our collective consciousness. And so it was time to dust-off a project last touched over two years ago, and reassess. . .  

As per usual, I was surprised at how little there is left to be done in terms of the basics. While I have yet to finalize the waist join, the head/spauldler unit fit to the torso has now been finalized. Also, I clipped off all the Infinity gems from the left gauntlet, and have begun to refinish the set- tings. How--and with what--I will refinish/replace the gems is still under evaluation. On the plus side, once I finalize the fit of the gauntlet to the left arm, work on the figure can continue inde- pendently of the former.

More to follow. . . 

FOLLOW-UP . . . The waist join is now finalized, as is that of the Infinity Gauntlet to the left arm. And now. . . final finishing and the IG sub-project. . . 

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