22 March 2015

Judge Mortis - Prepwork: The Right Pauldron

I've always considered Mortis' right pauldron--in the guise of a skeletal pterosaur--one of the em- bodiment of pestilence's defining characteristics. 

As I mentioned in the overview to the project's prepwork,most of it will focus on the right pauldron. The beautifully cast, one-piece pauldron has neither tail nor pseudo-pteroid bones. And while nei- ther structure is absolutely critical, their absence, IMHO, is a detractive distraction. 

Fortunately, the fix(es) are relatively easy. The pseudo-pteroid bones can be added in less than hour using spare resin stock: the pour sprues for the arms or heads/skulls make ideal blanks. Hollow out the ends to accommodate the wing bone nubs, glue, and carve/grind away until you are satisfied.   

The tail is a little trickier, depending on the amount of interaction you might require between the tail and the extended right arm. Personally, a limp hanging tail is little better than no tail at all-- especially as it will be largely blocked from view. My version of the tail will be somewhat prehen- sile in nature, wrapped loosely around Mortis's arm. To date, I have attached the base structure of the tail (malleable tin wire), and positioned it around the outer half of the arm. . . 

More to follow. . . 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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