27 April 2013

Spring Cleaning

The arrival of Frank has not only rekindled an ebbing ember for this passion of ours, but it has prompted something that has been L-O-N-G overdue: a thorough overhaul--and cleaning--of the workbench.

What does one have to do with the other, you ask? As I mentioned in the review, Frank is BIG! This is the largest FS I will have ever worked on. And while size/scale has never been--and is not--a concern, one must have the space to accommodate the work in progress. Hence, the clean-up.

Cleaning my workbench was like going through an archaeological dig of my hobby life over the last 8 years. Plans and dreams that were started, but never made it close to the finishing stages. Notes and sketches from projects finished as well as un-. And each layer of epoxy dust yielding new evidence of unrealized visions and detoured expectations.

Most of you probably will never let things get quite this bad. Admittedly, it's a consequence of having a rather generously-sized workspace that was the erstwhile base of operations of my business. And to paraphrase George Carlin, the more room you have, the more s**t you will fill it up with. George was certainly right, and it was time to clean the s**t up!

I'm a little over half way through the process. All the ip works have been carefully gathered and safely packaged away. Most of the assorted bits and pieces of hardware have been collected and now await sorting. I should be mostly done by the end of the weekend, but one does not undo 8 years in a couple of days. . .

Back to the dustbowl!

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