10 February 2014

"JUSTICE" -- Judge Joseph Dredd: Epilogue

As I said in the concluding posting of this project, this has been an awesome project! And the main reason for that is that this is what I like to call an "onion figure". 

What is an "onion figure"? That is a figure that can be appealing to--and modelled by!--miniatur- ists of virtually any level. A beginner can take the figure at face value, and with basic skills and a relatively simple palette, achieve results that they would be proud to call their own. By the same token, advanced miniaturists can 'peel the onion' as far as they deem fit, and wring out every nu- ance afforded by the masterful design and sculpture. The outcomes will vary, but I can assure you that the satisfaction derived from the doing and the finished piece will be very similarly gra- tifying.

Before closing, a hint for anyone contemplating doing this figure: paint the head completely before permanently attaching the head to the torso. In retrospect, I backed myself into some- what of a corner by having to maneuver around the raised right arm. It is certainly doable--but it would have been a lot easier to attach the completed head once done.

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