29 November 2015

Lawmaster Mk1 - Prepwork: Intermezzo (1)

WHEW! A busy and productive weekend. All the more given the unforeseen "road conditions" that demanded extensive detours.

I would say that this experience has taught me some valuable lessons, but you can't teach an "old dog"new tricks. I love these kits. . . I love the subject matter--and the interpretation of the same. I love the production values. And I love the passion behind the process that eventually gets them to our benches.

That being said, I will try to be more careful in the future about kits that require above-average 'interaction', whether inter- or intra-. And I will ask more questions before dropping the hammer. But the bottom line is this: I can generally fix/tweak anything that is "wrong" with the overwhelm- ing majority of the kits I acquire. In fact, present manufacturer excluded, I find most kits obvi- ously sub-standard. Hence, one of the reasons I have been steadily distancing myself from this hobby.

As always, if there is a problem, let the manufacturer know! Hound them until they engage in a meaningful--and hopefully productive--exchange. And share your findings with the community-- BUT do so respectfully, objectively, and--above all--accurately. Be specific and be prepared to defend your assertion. And if all else fails, be prepared to walk away from the manufacturer in question without so much as a, "By your leave. . . "

But back to the matter at hand. . . in spite of a difficult 'infancy', the Lawmaster is growing up quite nicely. The remaining 5 weeks of the year will be spent on the engine, reworking the head- lights, starting to assemble Dredd, and general clean-up and pre-priming. If things continue on this timetable, I'm looking at Spring for completion. . . 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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