17 November 2015

Hammerstein - Painting: DONE!!!

The brushes are down and the painting is . . . DONE!

All that remains in the days ahead is punching up some of the detailing, some weathering (pig- ments, etc.), and the final integration of the figure to the groundwork. Actually, I expect to revisit the latter in the months to come just to make sure that everything is just as it should be. BUT. . . other than that, this figure will be off the paint bench over the weekend!

As  I mentioned in my last posting, I am not ready for this project to end. I truly wish there were additional ABC Warriors in the line: Zippo, Mongrol, Joe Pineapples, Deadlock. . . even Black- blood! That would be an impressive collection indeed!! While not very likely, stranger things have happened. . .

This figure represents all that is good about figure painting. It's bringing a character to life using a superbly designed and manufactured kit, and going wherever it leads. It's about letting your ima- gination run wild and doing your best without any concern for anything else simply because the figure deserves it. Thanks to Pat Mills and Clint Langley for their storytelling and consummate art; and to Rin and David Richardson for giving it three-dimensional life. And special thanks to Rin for reminding me yet again how much fun this hobby can be. . . 

UPDATE 18.11.15. . . DONE!!! (as in off the bench and in the cabinet!) Images to follow as soon as possible. . . 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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