24 January 2016

Ned Stark - Painting: The Pelt

In my last "painting" posting, I stated that, "[the pelt would] be the supreme challenge of this piece, and that, "I [intended] to simply "jump in" and see where it takes me. . .

And jump I have! The pelt is now, for the most part, base-coated using washes of Lamp Black, Van Dyke Brown, and Payne's Grey. And it looks AWESOME!!! 

I must temper my enthusiasm, however, as the most difficult aspects lie ahead: the white under- fur and the gold tips to the body and tail fur. Nevertheless, a solid foundation has been laid!

Stay tuned!!!

UPDATE 26.01.16. . . Save for the tail, which is still "in primer", the pelt is about 70% done! In short, it is blocked-in with the foundation washes, and I am approximately at the midway point of the over-glazes. Almost there!

UPDATE 27.01.16. . . While I will certainly revisit the overall item during the finishing phase, the pelt is effectively DONE! Took me back almost 40 years to when I was doing my first fur cloak on Imperial's 90mm Eric the Red. . . good times!!!

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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