10 September 2009

Monarch Nosferatu -- UPDATE

Hard to believe that it has been nigh unto a fortnight since I last posted anything. . .

Fortunately, that does not mean that things have been idle on the bench, though regrettably progress has been somewhat limited.

Most of the putty work is now done, with but a few areas still demanding additional attention. I have begun clean-up of the seams, and I would say I am about 60% done at this point. The key(s) are on the agenda for next week, though I suspect that this aspect of the project will not be completed until the figure has long been transferred to the painting bench. I have done but two of the buttons. . . saving the worst for last.

Hopefully things will resume a semblance of normalcy after month's end; but in the meantime, rest assured that progress will continue--painting "season" is fast approaching!


  1. Hi Augie,
    Although this kind of subjects are not amongst my best preferred, explaining and rationalizing of your choices is always interesting and educational. Thank you for sharing that and for the updates.

    Looking forward to hearing news about the painting season ...


  2. In all haste, carissimo amico. . .

    Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to "pass through". I hope you and yours are doing well; and please know that your comments, observations, and--above all--contributions, are sorely missed.

    Please excuse the brevity of this response, but I am trying to catch-up after nearly a week of being bed-ridden with the 2009 H1N1 flu (it's not fatal; but about half-way through it, you wish it were. . . ;-() and playing Noah for the last day and a half. . .

    Don't be a stranger. Un fortissimo abbraccio ed un gran ciao,

