25 September 2012

Knight Models. . . Open Editions

It has been announced here that KM will be discontinuing its limited edition format: all new releases henceforth will be open editions.

This raises a boatload of questions--for starters. . .
  • Will we see a noticeable drop in the msrp?
  • Will molds be replaced with greater frequency?
  • Will the high-end packaging remain the same?

Some/all of these--more?!--may have already be broached on the Spanish Team forum, but it is regrettably down at the moment. And as we have come to expect, there is no formal announce- ment on KM's Facebook page as of yet.

I have been noticing moderate scale-backs in this manufacturer's lines since virtually Day 1. Not a bad thing per se, so long as the standards for what the consumer is purchasing are not com- promised: how a product is marketed is always negotiable; the quality of the product should never be! Having said that, with the collectibility aspect off the table, what can we expect in the future? Obviously, time will tell. . .

FOLLOW-UP - 23.01.2013. . .  Well, in regard to the third question, the answer is, not surprisingly, a resounding NO! The kits are now packaged in a cardboard box, sandwiched between high-density foam (see here). Arguably, they should have taken this approach from the outset.

The woes re: this company far outweigh the kudos. . . and it's not getting any better. As I mentioned before:
"I would just like to strongly urge that if you must buy any KM kit, do not do so sight unseen! Inspect the kit carefully before purchasing: if the seller is at all hesitant to let you do so, walk away. If you do agree to buy sight unseen, make sure that the conclusion of the sale is contingent solely upon your satisfaction with what you have received. If that is unacceptable. . . walk away!"

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