16 December 2015

Durham Red - Painting: The Face and Breasts

There really isn't a lot flesh to paint on this figure, but what there is better be done right! The flesh will set the tone, if you will, for the monochromatic/achromatic? melange that is to follow. In short, this figure is all about contrast--and balance.

By the end of this evening, the Phase 1 of the face will be completed [FOLLOW-UP. . . Phase 1 is done; and the face is fully framed with black forelocks.], and the breasts will be all-but-done. The face will be a wip for at least 2-3 more sessions.

As is my wont of late, I've used linseed oil as the thinner. In this instance, it allows me to glaze the shadows, and control the overall tone and temperature of the paint: a predominantly cool pa- lette (Parchment and Cobalt Blue are the primary colours) that must be moderated carefully by the selective application of a warmer, albeit still cool-ish, fleshtone. 

That's about it for now. Updates to follow. . . 

UPDATE 18.12.15. . . I am delighted to report that the face and breasts are essentially done! All that remains is finishing the eyes: adding the pupils and final glazing.  

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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