07 May 2017

Shadowcat -- Prepwork I

Feeling a bit the worse for wear today, so I'm going to spend my benchtime doing some model- ling (this project may be revealed at a later date), and getting things rolling with Shadowcat.

The focal point of this conversion will be the head--or, more precisely, the headwear. It will be effectively eliminated, and replaced with Shadowcat's wavy brown locks. The rest of the conversion will be adapting the provided costume to something  reasonably identifiable with Shadowcat. And this is where I've begun. . .

I began by eliminating the long braid running down the right of the body, followed by the elimination of the delicate chainwork along the right thigh. . .

I also permanently attached the left leg.

More to follow. . .

FOLLOW-UP. . . The scalloped whisk collar has been filled and enhanced. There may be one more session to finalize the height and drapery/volume of the collar.The talisman will be removed in the next session. . . 

FOLLOW-UP (2). . . The talisman has been removed: final finishing of the underlying flesh re- mains. I also modified the decolletage by filling-in the wedge along the strap line of the vest top. Right side will follow in the days ahead. . . 

UPDATE 12.05.17. . . The breast "flaps" of the bodice have been removed. 

UPDATE 14.05.17. . . The collar had been finalized, and is awaiting finishing. The right-side wedge of the vest top has been filled and preliminary drapery addressed. 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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