20 August 2017

Jon Snow - Painting: Face

I have completed painting Jon's eyes; and have applied a Burnt Umber/Ivory Black grisaille over the flesh. 

Given the relatively quick drying time (read: short working time) of the flesh palette, I may have to take a pure glazing approach to maximize the tones and depth that I have envisioned. . .  

21.08.2017. . . Phase I (glaze) of the face is done. This is not an easy face to bring to life--it is difficult to lay out the plan, and nigh unto impossible to follow it. Definitely a painting challenge!
FOLLOW-UP. . . Phase II (glaze) is done. Highlighting and touch-ups are next!

22.08.2017. . . The face is effectively done--and permanently attached to the torso! I can now begin integrating and adjusting the tonal values against the virtually achromatic "frame".

24.08.2017. . . Save for some minor touch-ups (e.g., outlining the eyes), the face is DONE! Final moderation was carried out with Flake White lightly tinted with transparent 'raw sienna' hues. If there was ever a miniature that was the embodiment of "It's all about the face", this is it! Do your research, and be very selective about your references!!
When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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