The figure has been tentatively assembled, with the intermediary scapulae permanently attached. Once the filler putty has cured, I will reassess the proportions before permanently assembling the component sections of the body, and commencing work on the integrating musculature.
FOLLOW-UP. . . The intermediary left limb has been pegged and tentatively fitted to the body.
UPDATE - 30.03.2020. . . The figure is now permanently assembled, "filled", and I have begun to rough-in the integrating musculature. The only pieces left to attach permanently are the head, the intermediary arms, and the upper set of forearms. I have also modelled a roach of hair along the sagittal crest of the cranium.
“When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003