05 April 2017

Negan - Prepwork I: Rescaling the Figure, pt.1

Let the games begin!

Given the volume at work and the lengthy days, "fine" work will be relegated to the weekends. That leaves me 5 days (2-4 hrs/day) to get down and dirty. . . 

Which means a considerable amount of headway should be made in relatively short order on my latest reclamation project. And I began with "resizing the canvas". . . 

As I noted earlier, Negan is approximately 7mm too tall! He would dwarf any other figure in the series. And it's not so much that he is overscaled--his proportions are completely out of whack! The figure of Negan stands 8.5-9 heads tall!! Keeping in mind that most figures are done to 8 head proportions, while purists (guilty as charged!) prefer the 7.5 head proportions of a "normal" human being, this figure needs some serious reconfiguration!!!

I have already addressed the upper half of the body by removing a 3-4mm section of the mid- torso, the upper limit being the nipple-line (second head length. I removed a little more than re- quired on the lower section to allow for the seamless integration of the two sections when the time comes. The jacket zipper will be my medial longitudinal axis.

And that's it--for now. Next, rescaling the lower half by sectioning the boots. . .

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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