30 April 2017

Mista' J - Painting: Benchnotes

To belabour the obvious, at some point in every project, there is the matter of palette selection. Some select as they go along; others take a break at some point in the early stages--or late during prep--to pull their palette. 

I prefer to do it just before priming. But in this case, given the three distinct sub-asssemblies, I waited until all the primed pieces were before me. While my palette is comprised of the usual trimumvirate--Reaper, Vallejo, and Andrea, they were joined by three stalwart colours from the long-defunct Polly-S Fantasy range: Kirin Yellow/Gold, Bugbear Fur, and Eyestalk Violet

For those of you not familiar with Polly-S, they were the first mainstream hobby acrylics. Back in the day, some still undercoated with enamels, but the impermeability of acrylics and the satura- tion of pigment made them the medium of choice as the UC for oils. Polly-S was manufactured by the Floquil Polly-S Color Corp.

Floquil/Polly-S was acquired by Testor's, if memory serves, sometime around the turn of the century: that was the beginning of the end. In 2013, the re-formulated Floquil/Polly-S lines were dropped from Testor's product line, and an era had come to an unequivocal end. . . 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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