02 December 2012

AMFS 2013 Theme

The theme for the 2013 Atlanta Show is "Lawmen and Outlaws". This prompted two of our readers to contact me to ask whether this would be limited to historical subjects/personalities (e.g., SWAT, RCMP, Wyatt Earp, etc. etc. etc.), or would "fantasy subjects/personalities" also be eligible (e.g., Batman, Joker, Steampunk themes, etc. etc. etc.).

As I have no official--or unofficial!--standing with the Show, and I will not even be participating in the Show in February, I contacted Lou Coroso, who in turn was kind enough to forward my inquiry to Pete Garrison, the Show/Club Seminar/Training Chairman. This was his response:
The theme for the 2013 show is anything [my emphasis] that can be considered to be a lawman or an outlaw (or groupings of these characters) - I would consider a "Villain" to be an outlaw; and fantasy or Comic-book Heroes, as long as they are crime fighting, would be lawmen. Remember there are no cash prizes in this category, only an award for "best of show theme".
There you have it. Admittedly, this has not come from the Show, Judging, or Awards Chairper- sons; but even if it had, I would be prepared for last-minute changes.

Before closing, I would like to thank Lou and Pete for their accessibility and quick response. And I would like to thank the two individuals who contacted me re: this matter, and hope that the above addresses their concerns to their satisfaction. If they, or anyone else, have any further questions, I would ask that you please contact the appropriate individual/officer at AMFS.

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