02 December 2012

"Broken" - Pre-prime Home Stretch - UPDATE

While clean-up is still an ongoing task, the movie-accurization has been completed, and the figure is now completely assembled. The only modification of any real concern remaining is the "footprint" of the figure: on normal groundwork this would be inconsequential; but on a hard level surface, this can be a deal-breaker. Just one of the "dividends" of hasty, premature demolding.

Back to the bench!

FOLLOW-UP. . . In a follow-up to my initial posting, I mentioned that, "The iconic accessory piece that provides the title of this self-contained vignette is about 60% done. Finishing and detailing will continue until it is ready to be attached to the groundwork (more on this in a future posting), but it looks "right". 

Well, that "piece" is now all but done, but I find myself at a crossroads: in the promotional poster, the "piece" was shattered, but most of its defining features remain intact; in the film, the "piece" is essentially broken in half lengthwise, but otherwise little the worse for wear. I have decided to exercise my artistic license and go with the promo poster version: it not only suggests a greater degree of damage, but it provides more of a "full-round" (vs. bas-relief) image.

And for those of you still wondering what the blazes I am talking about,  this is roughly what I have reproduced in miniature:

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