08 April 2017

Negan - Prepwork V: The Jacket

With the work on the boots progressing, I decided to begin working on the jacket so as to ensure a balanced perspective of the work. . . 

If the devil is in the details, then this garment belongs in the Celestial coatroom! We've already discussed the proportional "charlie-foxtrot" that required the removal of a 3-4mm section between the nipple-line and the navel. Then we have what appear to be lightly-scribed, absolutely flat lapels; omitted(!) passants; soft, ill-defined belt loops. . . and the list goes on. 

Unfortunately for some, this garment will require relatively-extensive research. Veteran cosplayers have been unable to associate it with a given commercial item--that means searching the Web for images, and watching the relevant episodes from S7. . . repeatedly! I really don't understand the aversion to research. . . 

The first step is to reassemble the sectioned torso (see here). Then one proceeds as one best sees fit. For myself, I first refitted the "new" Lucille to the left shoulder, and then started carving in the details such as seams and the passant. Then I began to rough-out the left lapels. . . 

That's pretty much it -- for now. . . 

More to follow. . . 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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