15 July 2009

Frankenstein (Son of) Monster GEOmetric FF

Having recently rediscovered the Son of Frankenstein, the third part of the Karloff/Universal Frankenstein trilogy, I was quickly reminded of the iconic nature of this incarnation of the Monster--as well as why Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks used this film as the cornerstone for the classic Young Frankenstein!

In any case, last week I was lucky enough to stumble upon a venerable classic in its own right: GEOmetric's 1/8 scale "Son of Frankenstein"--in vinyl! This kit was superbly sculpted by William Paquet, and IMO epitomizes the art of vinyl kit production.

I had great plans for this kit, when much to my [pleasant] surprise they were dashed! You see, I had visions of scratchbuilding the prosthetic right arm of Inspector Krogh, etc. etc. etc., when lo and behold, it is included in the kit!!!

Equally as surprising is that this iconic accessory is rarely seen in/on write-ups and/or build-ups of this kit. Certainly it can not be considered too gruesome? Or potentially offensive?? This is definitely a head-scratcher. . .

This kit is targeted for next year some time, though preliminary clean-up and staging (anyone who has ever worked a vinyl kit knows of what I speak) will begin soon . . .



  1. [For some reason, the Lloyd's comment did not post upon acceptance, so I am posting it manually. AJR]


    This sounds like a very interesting project. Paquet's rendering of Karloff is very impressive and the kit looks to be very clean. I didn't realize thet it was done in vinyl originally.It is available on GD's website in resin.

    I look forward to future postings and in-progress ip shots!!! Keep 'em coming.


  2. Hey guy!

    Most, if not all, of the GEOmetric full figures were originally released in vinyl. Some were better than others, but all were "A"-level vinyl castings. The SoF is exceptional!!!

    Given our recent experiences, I'm a little wary of GEOmetric's resin--to say nothing of the price! BTW, the label on their site is that of the vinyl kit--look closely under Paquet's name.

    As I mentioned, this one is for next year at the earliest; though--of course--I have already removed the "pour cones" (vinyl's version of the sprue) from the pieces. If I have a chance, I'll run out and get some Alumilite this weekend and fill the components.

    It's a beautiful kit that will be suitably enhanced with "points" of detail (no pun intended--really! I plan to add all the ties along the sheepskin "vest" and the sleeves). The prosthetic arm will get a fair degree of attention as well.

    Back to Wolfie. . . or do I have the Mummy to work on tonight. . . ???


  3. PS--Just as an afterthought. . . and to possibly put things in perspective: I picked this up for about the cost of a high-end 54mm foot figure!!! A~
