iHobbyExpo, the US's mega trade show for the hobby world, is taking place in Chicago as I write, and the first day has yielded some interesting--even exciting--news!
Revell/Monogram will be reissuing Aurora's Red Knight of Vienna and Black Knight of Nürnberg, as well as re-releasing the Creature from the Black Lagoon: the latter appears to have had the prominent(!!!) lateral step across the top of the head finally addressed. These are currently scheduled for the first half of 2010.
Moebius had any number of surprising announcements: noteworthy, at least to me, were the re-release of Aurora's mounted Confederate Raider and an all-new Bela Lugosi Dracula. The latter (due late 2010) ought to be VERY interesting. . . [FOLLOW-UP: The Moebius rendition will be based on the stage version of the Count, with full approval of the Lugosi estate, thus avoiding the potentially stigmatic Universal involvement. For those who are wondering about a conversion to the silver-screen rendition, if memory serves this should be well within the capabilities of any modeler beyond the entry-level.]
Full report can be found here.
22 October 2009
21 October 2009
"Tzitzimitl" - Intermezzo (cont.)
To pick-up where I left off in my update of 10/19. . .
- I have further "refined" (read: reduced) the girth of the pedestal, and it is now ready for finishing--providing I do not elect to alter the current pose of the bust.
- The salient cylinder of the right ear spool is now finished. Detailing and final shaping of the mandible has begun.
- And after tweaking the facial landscape more to my liking--nothing major I assure you--I have permanently, though as yet not irreversibly, attached the m-h to the head. . .
19 October 2009
17 October 2009
As a result of the recent fruitful exchange between Ric and myself, I decided to create this open thread that will allow--and hopefully encourage--the readership to ask questions related to what we do. Depending on the response and/or the number of postings, I will periodically close a thread and open a new one (e.g., QUESTIONS 2, 3, 4, etc.) Far from perfect, I know, but it will hopefully prove useful.
Remember that your inquiry will be posted as a "comment" to this introductory blurb. And, regrettably, there is no html allowed in the comments. If you would like to illustrate a particular point, feel free to email me the jpg, and I will use it to formulate my answer.
Fire away!
Remember that your inquiry will be posted as a "comment" to this introductory blurb. And, regrettably, there is no html allowed in the comments. If you would like to illustrate a particular point, feel free to email me the jpg, and I will use it to formulate my answer.
Fire away!
"Tzitzimitl" - Intermezzo
As I am fast approaching commencing the finishing phase of the project, it was time to reassess the work to date. . . and all was not right.
Most of the "issues" revolve around the m-h and the head. In short, I should have removed the head at the outset and worked the project in two distinct subassemblies, as opposed to a single main structure with accessory items. To this end, I have now removed the head (at the neck), will permanently attach the head within the m-h, and model all the interior details of the m-h, most of which will now be accessible. This will also allow me to reposition the head to its most effective pose vis-à-vis the enhanced m-h, rather than adapt (or accept) the original pose.
Some of you will immediately FF to the fact that I will not have free access to a bare head while painting, and you would be correct. But this is no big deal. In fact, it will mean less to paint, and only those structures that will remain visible will have to be painted.
I have finished reworking the neck and the corresponding socket; and the collar has been reworked and the first of the tlahuiztli ties (the tlahuiztli as an open-backed garment was closed with 3-5 ties) has been roughed-in. I can deal with these sorts of "setbacks"
. Final finishing will hopefully be underway by next weekend.
The second of the visible ties has now been roughed-in, and detailing work has begun along the collar. I have also roughed-in the left ear spool on the m-h. I should be able to permanently join head and m-h in the next 24-48 hrs. The next major installment will address the undersides of the bust and addition of the pedestal.
The pedestal is now about 80% done. . . which means roughed-in, with finishing well underway. I will probably hold-off final finishing and polishing until the project is all-but-done, as I might have to reassess the pose once the h-m panache is in place: quetzal feathers can easily throw a figure "off-balance", esthetically, if not literally. And. . . the "back" of the left ear spool is now done, with the right ear spool roughed-in. Slowly, but surely. . .
Most of the "issues" revolve around the m-h and the head. In short, I should have removed the head at the outset and worked the project in two distinct subassemblies, as opposed to a single main structure with accessory items. To this end, I have now removed the head (at the neck), will permanently attach the head within the m-h, and model all the interior details of the m-h, most of which will now be accessible. This will also allow me to reposition the head to its most effective pose vis-à-vis the enhanced m-h, rather than adapt (or accept) the original pose.
Some of you will immediately FF to the fact that I will not have free access to a bare head while painting, and you would be correct. But this is no big deal. In fact, it will mean less to paint, and only those structures that will remain visible will have to be painted.
I have finished reworking the neck and the corresponding socket; and the collar has been reworked and the first of the tlahuiztli ties (the tlahuiztli as an open-backed garment was closed with 3-5 ties) has been roughed-in. I can deal with these sorts of "setbacks"
The second of the visible ties has now been roughed-in, and detailing work has begun along the collar. I have also roughed-in the left ear spool on the m-h. I should be able to permanently join head and m-h in the next 24-48 hrs. The next major installment will address the undersides of the bust and addition of the pedestal.
The pedestal is now about 80% done. . . which means roughed-in, with finishing well underway. I will probably hold-off final finishing and polishing until the project is all-but-done, as I might have to reassess the pose once the h-m panache is in place: quetzal feathers can easily throw a figure "off-balance", esthetically, if not literally. And. . . the "back" of the left ear spool is now done, with the right ear spool roughed-in. Slowly, but surely. . .
13 October 2009
E-mails & Comments
I would like to thank all of you who have taken time to visit the site and have sent an email with your comments, questions, etc.
While I am more than happy to answer any and all questions--time permitting, I have to ask myself, "Why not post a comment where everyone can benefit from the exchange of information?"
You might have your reasons, and that is fine. And I can certainly understand in some instances as the content of the email might stray to what might be considered "personal". Having said that, if it is a question, comment, observation, etc. dealing with what we do, then by all means please consider posting it on the blog.
Admittedly this is a somewhat limited platform for the types of exchanges that we are used to elsewhere; but if you think about it, not that limited. . .
Before closing, please remember that if you decide to take the plunge, all comments are under full moderation, thus your posting might not appear for 24 hrs., depending on the circumstances.
And with that. . . keep 'em coming. . . and THANKS!
While I am more than happy to answer any and all questions--time permitting, I have to ask myself, "Why not post a comment where everyone can benefit from the exchange of information?"
You might have your reasons, and that is fine. And I can certainly understand in some instances as the content of the email might stray to what might be considered "personal". Having said that, if it is a question, comment, observation, etc. dealing with what we do, then by all means please consider posting it on the blog.
Admittedly this is a somewhat limited platform for the types of exchanges that we are used to elsewhere; but if you think about it, not that limited. . .
Before closing, please remember that if you decide to take the plunge, all comments are under full moderation, thus your posting might not appear for 24 hrs., depending on the circumstances.
And with that. . . keep 'em coming. . . and THANKS!
11 October 2009
"Tzitzimitl" - Phase II: The Torso
Those of you who have been following this project will know that the first step is to model the ichcahuipilli, which will be applied in two pieces, poncho-style. Normally, I would quilt the garment, but since it will be all-but-hidden from view by the tlahuiztli (overall), my primary goal is to add the necessary volume to the torso.

The torso is now curing in the oven. The next step will be to cover the arms with the sleeves of the tlahuiztli, and add the integrating drapery.
The sleeves and collar of the tlahuiztli have been roughed-in. I have now commenced working on the drapery and surface finishing.
This evening, I attempted to model the padding on the inside of the m-h while still retaining the stand-alone capability of the same, but it is simply not possible. Thus, the visible padding will be modelled and painted in situ once the m-h is permanently attached. I did, however, successfully restore the fringe/bangs on the forehead of the subject.
The reconfiguration of the h-m has begun in earnest. I am trying to take it slow and easy in anticipation of the receipt of the MdT, although this invaluable reference will not come into its own until it comes time to surface detail the tlahuiztli and break out the paints. However frustrating working the h-m might be, it is also the part of the project I enjoy the most.
More to follow. . .
The torso is now curing in the oven. The next step will be to cover the arms with the sleeves of the tlahuiztli, and add the integrating drapery.
The sleeves and collar of the tlahuiztli have been roughed-in. I have now commenced working on the drapery and surface finishing.
This evening, I attempted to model the padding on the inside of the m-h while still retaining the stand-alone capability of the same, but it is simply not possible. Thus, the visible padding will be modelled and painted in situ once the m-h is permanently attached. I did, however, successfully restore the fringe/bangs on the forehead of the subject.
The reconfiguration of the h-m has begun in earnest. I am trying to take it slow and easy in anticipation of the receipt of the MdT, although this invaluable reference will not come into its own until it comes time to surface detail the tlahuiztli and break out the paints. However frustrating working the h-m might be, it is also the part of the project I enjoy the most.
More to follow. . .
10 October 2009
"Tzitzimitl" - Phase I: The Mask-Helmet
The tzitzimitl mask-helmet (hereafter, m-h) is as defining as it is iconic, thus it stands to reason that it has to be "right". It not only has to be right (i.e., display the characteristic appointments that were associated with the deity); but it has to look right when worn... This is as good a time as any to underscore that the Mexica "mask-helmets" were full helmets, "great helmets" if you will: the way Young has designed the helmet suggests, at least to me, that this was more of an open-backed mask than a helmet.
I spent a couple of productive hours at the bench yesterday, and the m-h makeover is well underway. I'll post some images in the next 72 hrs., but in the meantime, let me touch upon some highlights of what's been done to date.
1) I have reduced the necklace (which will serve nicely as the edge of the collar of the tlahuiztli), and eliminated the claw-like spacers--I have no idea what these are intended to represent. This served as a preliminary to the initial judicious reduction of the pectorals: so far I would say I have reduced them by 1-1.5mm. I may go a bit further, I may not. To prepare for what follows, I permanently attached the face/neck, and reduced all visible hair.
2) Eliminated the mantling of feathers across the shoulders, and the bindings, etc. on the back of the head. The tzitzimitl m-h does have a quetzal-feather crest attached to the top of the m-h; and the back of the helmet is adorned with hair and/or quetzal feathers arranged to look like disheveled hair. Some sources indicate that the entire m-h was covered with featherwork, and this will be examined and considered in the days to come.
3) Eliminated the fangs. It might look "cool" and "horrific", but we're talking about a flesh-eating, skull-headed demon: what more do you need?! Fangs were limited to mask-helmets depicting natural creatures (e.g., jaguars (ocelotl), coyotes (coyotl)). The same may be said of pronounced "overbites", where the mandible of the h-m is markedly underslung relative to the maxilla.
4) The talon ear-pendants and the carved "forelock", for lack of a better term, have already been discarded. The former will be replaced by the characteristic ear spools of the tzitzimitl: to accommodate these, I have drilled a 3.5mm hole in the ear lobes of the m-h's ears. But before that is given its due consideration, the ears must be relocated: to this end, they have already been removed.
A most productive day! I have restored the calvarium to the head, and the h-m is now a stand-alone, removable item. Next I will fit the h-m by adding the internal padding. I have not decided whether I will depict the h-m ties (omitted in the kit) tied or un-.
The ears on the h-m have been reattached. I have begun the surface finishing on the m-h, and started tweaking the overall shape in anticipation of the addition of the shell (forehead) and the hair/feathers.
I spent a couple of productive hours at the bench yesterday, and the m-h makeover is well underway. I'll post some images in the next 72 hrs., but in the meantime, let me touch upon some highlights of what's been done to date.
1) I have reduced the necklace (which will serve nicely as the edge of the collar of the tlahuiztli), and eliminated the claw-like spacers--I have no idea what these are intended to represent. This served as a preliminary to the initial judicious reduction of the pectorals: so far I would say I have reduced them by 1-1.5mm. I may go a bit further, I may not. To prepare for what follows, I permanently attached the face/neck, and reduced all visible hair.
2) Eliminated the mantling of feathers across the shoulders, and the bindings, etc. on the back of the head. The tzitzimitl m-h does have a quetzal-feather crest attached to the top of the m-h; and the back of the helmet is adorned with hair and/or quetzal feathers arranged to look like disheveled hair. Some sources indicate that the entire m-h was covered with featherwork, and this will be examined and considered in the days to come.
3) Eliminated the fangs. It might look "cool" and "horrific", but we're talking about a flesh-eating, skull-headed demon: what more do you need?! Fangs were limited to mask-helmets depicting natural creatures (e.g., jaguars (ocelotl), coyotes (coyotl)). The same may be said of pronounced "overbites", where the mandible of the h-m is markedly underslung relative to the maxilla.
4) The talon ear-pendants and the carved "forelock", for lack of a better term, have already been discarded. The former will be replaced by the characteristic ear spools of the tzitzimitl: to accommodate these, I have drilled a 3.5mm hole in the ear lobes of the m-h's ears. But before that is given its due consideration, the ears must be relocated: to this end, they have already been removed.
A most productive day! I have restored the calvarium to the head, and the h-m is now a stand-alone, removable item. Next I will fit the h-m by adding the internal padding. I have not decided whether I will depict the h-m ties (omitted in the kit) tied or un-.
The ears on the h-m have been reattached. I have begun the surface finishing on the m-h, and started tweaking the overall shape in anticipation of the addition of the shell (forehead) and the hair/feathers.
03 October 2009
Where did September go?
A brief catch-up posting that will hopefully mark a turn for a semblance of normalcy, if not the better all around.
September was pretty much a write-off. Between the historic floods that slammed the metro Atlanta area and attendant home repairs; being laid-up with the "Flu from Hell" (no, I did not get a flu shot; nor was there enough time to get any of the post-exposure anti-virals-- no regrets on either count!), something that I am still working my way through; AND dealing with Q3 end at work, the ninth month was effectively deep-sixed!
Which brings us to the beginning of the last quarter of 2009. Traditionally this is a relatively unproductive period due to holidays and work. Hopefully, I'll be able to make this year an exception and get things off the workbench and on to the painting table by the Christmas holidays.
In the meantime, however, there remains MUCH to be done. . . hope you'll drop by often to check on the progress.
Best regards,
September was pretty much a write-off. Between the historic floods that slammed the metro Atlanta area and attendant home repairs; being laid-up with the "Flu from Hell" (no, I did not get a flu shot; nor was there enough time to get any of the post-exposure anti-virals-- no regrets on either count!), something that I am still working my way through; AND dealing with Q3 end at work, the ninth month was effectively deep-sixed!
Which brings us to the beginning of the last quarter of 2009. Traditionally this is a relatively unproductive period due to holidays and work. Hopefully, I'll be able to make this year an exception and get things off the workbench and on to the painting table by the Christmas holidays.
In the meantime, however, there remains MUCH to be done. . . hope you'll drop by often to check on the progress.
Best regards,
01 October 2009
"Tzitzimitl" - Planning
With the excellent graphic breakdown of the kit presented here, planning can begin in earnest.
The first order of business will be to reduce and "dress" the torso. I've always had a problem with the "ripped" physique usually found on indigenous subjects; hence the initial reduction. I would say that the necklace and the sculpted feathers on the torso will have to be removed as well, but this might be taken care of by. . .
the modelling of the ichcahuipilli, the stuffed and quilted vest that was the "foundation" piece of defensive wear around which the Mexica garniture was assembled. While not all warriors went armoured, all armoured warriors wore an ichcahuipilli as the tlahuiztli did not possess any defensive properties beyond what a sturdy denim overall would provide.
I will add to this thread over the following days. . .
Mine arrived today! For whatever it's worth, Young continues to provide the best and most stylish packaging in the business. And in case anyone is wondering, there is no refsheet of any sort included with the kit. . . Regardless, I have now requested the facsimile edition of the Codex Moctezuma (bka the MdT) through ILL. . .
The first order of business will be to reduce and "dress" the torso. I've always had a problem with the "ripped" physique usually found on indigenous subjects; hence the initial reduction. I would say that the necklace and the sculpted feathers on the torso will have to be removed as well, but this might be taken care of by. . .
the modelling of the ichcahuipilli, the stuffed and quilted vest that was the "foundation" piece of defensive wear around which the Mexica garniture was assembled. While not all warriors went armoured, all armoured warriors wore an ichcahuipilli as the tlahuiztli did not possess any defensive properties beyond what a sturdy denim overall would provide.
I will add to this thread over the following days. . .
Mine arrived today! For whatever it's worth, Young continues to provide the best and most stylish packaging in the business. And in case anyone is wondering, there is no refsheet of any sort included with the kit. . . Regardless, I have now requested the facsimile edition of the Codex Moctezuma (bka the MdT) through ILL. . .
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