Andrea Miniatures kit of Reinhard Heydrich (???, 90mm)
Smart Max kit of Nibaba (Allan Carrasco, 1/35th scale)
26 August 2011
21 August 2011
Tars Tarkas -- Prepwork (2): The Harness (2)
The complete right half of the harness is now roughed-in. The shoulder wing will probably be augmented in the days to come, but the foundation is in place.
And, the left shoulder strap is roughed-in and in place, along with the leading section of the shoulder wing. I am finally beginning to see a 3-d'al rough sketch of what the final piece could look like and I am most satisfied.
All that remains to be roughed-in is the rear cross brace/drag handle. DONE!
More to follow. . .
And, the left shoulder strap is roughed-in and in place, along with the leading section of the shoulder wing. I am finally beginning to see a 3-d'al rough sketch of what the final piece could look like and I am most satisfied.
More to follow. . .
19 August 2011
White Ape of Barsoom--Graphic Interlude (2)
In all haste. . .

A significant amount of finishing work remains to be done, but nothing out of the ordinary. If you look closely, our subject will need to have some dental work done over the weekend. . .
UPDATE - 22.08.11. . . Not quite "over the weekend", but close enough. . . The lower right canine has been successfully implanted and our subject now has a full set of pearly whites. . . or close enough. The "smoothing" and toning of the musculature is underway in earnest, and save for a bit of touch-up filling on the right support (middle) hand, all the putty work save for touching-up the coiffure is now done!
On the home stretch!
UPDATE - 24.08.11. . . The front half of the coiffure is essentially done! I really can't wait to be able to get some paint on this face/ head!!
A significant amount of finishing work remains to be done, but nothing out of the ordinary. If you look closely, our subject will need to have some dental work done over the weekend. . .
UPDATE - 22.08.11. . . Not quite "over the weekend", but close enough. . . The lower right canine has been successfully implanted and our subject now has a full set of pearly whites. . . or close enough. The "smoothing" and toning of the musculature is underway in earnest, and save for a bit of touch-up filling on the right support (middle) hand, all the putty work save for touching-up the coiffure is now done!
On the home stretch!
UPDATE - 24.08.11. . . The front half of the coiffure is essentially done! I really can't wait to be able to get some paint on this face/ head!!
15 August 2011
White Ape of Barsoom--Update (3)
The fairing and blending and fine detailing of the hair continues. Fairing of the right half of the face/scalp is all but done; and both ears have been sculpted in their new apical location.
The forearms have been tentatively fitted, but yet to be permanently attached. As the club would prove to be major annoyance, if not outright hindrance, during painting, I have removed it proximal to the gripping hands, and hollowed the latter. I will rebuild an attachment peg,probably reinforced with wire.
Movin' right along. . .
UPDATE - 16.08.11. . . The forearms have been fitted. This required some rearrangement of the coiffure, but all for the better. The club has been pegged and fitted.
Getting close. . .
UPDATE - 17.08.11. . . The forearms have been permanently attached. . . Let the finishing begin!
The forearms have been tentatively fitted, but yet to be permanently attached. As the club would prove to be major annoyance, if not outright hindrance, during painting, I have removed it proximal to the gripping hands, and hollowed the latter. I will rebuild an attachment peg,
Movin' right along. . .
UPDATE - 16.08.11. . . The forearms have been fitted. This required some rearrangement of the coiffure, but all for the better. The club has been pegged and fitted.
Getting close. . .
UPDATE - 17.08.11. . . The forearms have been permanently attached. . . Let the finishing begin!
13 August 2011
White Ape of Barsoom--Update (2)
The "unruly shock of wiry hair" is all-but-done and permanently attached.
Re: the latter. The coiffure is being done in three stages: stage 1 was done is SSFine ; stage 2 was done in MS. The "wig", if you will, was then permanently attached; which brings us to stage 3: fairing and blending and fine detailing.
Re: the latter. The coiffure is being done in three stages: stage 1 was done is SSFine ; stage 2 was done in MS. The "wig", if you will, was then permanently attached; which brings us to stage 3: fairing and blending and fine detailing.
Baba Yaga - Converting SM's Nibaba
The other day I was discussing what-we-do with my lady, and she brought-up the topic of Baba Yaga and why a figure had not been done of this archetype of Eastern European folklore. She then pondered why Smart Max had deviated so drastically from her usual depiction in their release of Nibaba.
Why indeed? I'm in no position to account for the enigmatic design; however, what I can do is make Baba Yaga from Nibaba!
The figure was designed and sculpted by the very talented Allan Carrasco. The kit is comprised of 8 pieces + base, superbly cast in the grey-green PUR preferred by Smart Max. I will use 6 of the eight pieces in this conversion project, discarding the base and the oaken "legs" of Nibaba.
To date, the figure portion of the project calls for the sculpting of the lower half of Baba Yaga (pelvic girdle and thighs roughed-in); making a mortar (now cast; hollowing and detailing to come) and pestle, and silver birch broom; and resculpting the right hand.
More to follow. . . !
UPDATE - 28.08.11. . . The lower half of BY is now completely roughed in: all that remains to be done is "lock" the pose and "putty"-out the soles of the feet; but that will have to wait until the mortar is completed.
While the right hand will be resculpted, after mulling the matter over, I am not sure if will be a resculpt or an extensive modification: I might simply modify the limb to take the form of a natural silver birch broom. . . A deviation from the canon that might work quite nicely. . .
Why indeed? I'm in no position to account for the enigmatic design; however, what I can do is make Baba Yaga from Nibaba!
The figure was designed and sculpted by the very talented Allan Carrasco. The kit is comprised of 8 pieces + base, superbly cast in the grey-green PUR preferred by Smart Max. I will use 6 of the eight pieces in this conversion project, discarding the base and the oaken "legs" of Nibaba.
To date, the figure portion of the project calls for the sculpting of the lower half of Baba Yaga (pelvic girdle and thighs roughed-in); making a mortar (now cast; hollowing and detailing to come) and pestle, and silver birch broom; and resculpting the right hand.
More to follow. . . !
UPDATE - 28.08.11. . . The lower half of BY is now completely roughed in: all that remains to be done is "lock" the pose and "putty"-out the soles of the feet; but that will have to wait until the mortar is completed.
While the right hand will be resculpted, after mulling the matter over, I am not sure if will be a resculpt or an extensive modification: I might simply modify the limb to take the form of a natural silver birch broom. . . A deviation from the canon that might work quite nicely. . .
11 August 2011
White Ape of Barsoom--Update
Well, the Rubicon has been crossed. . .
The Barsoomian White Ape has been tentatively fitted to the core element of the groundwork.
By way of prologue, the setting of this piece has occupied my thoughts for quite some time. Not only that, but how to go about it!? After much deliberation, and not a few mock-ups, I finally decided on Pegasus' Gothic Rubble #2, which I got for a VERY good price. I will be using the left half of the section on the left in the image. The overall effect is damn near perfect!
Back to the bench!!!
The Barsoomian White Ape has been tentatively fitted to the core element of the groundwork.
By way of prologue, the setting of this piece has occupied my thoughts for quite some time. Not only that, but how to go about it!? After much deliberation, and not a few mock-ups, I finally decided on Pegasus' Gothic Rubble #2, which I got for a VERY good price. I will be using the left half of the section on the left in the image. The overall effect is damn near perfect!
Back to the bench!!!
10 August 2011
White Ape of Barsoom--Graphic Interlude
Just a "sneak-peek" to give you an idea of where the project is going. . .

By way of notes, the lower left canine is broken off by design. Aside from the upper forearms (w/ club!) the unruly, wiry shock of hair has yet to be added.
Movin' right along. . .
By way of notes, the lower left canine is broken off by design. Aside from the upper forearms (w/ club!) the unruly, wiry shock of hair has yet to be added.
Movin' right along. . .
06 August 2011
Tars Tarkas -- Prepwork (2): The Harness
As I mentioned in the introduction to, and the review of, this bust, the Barsoomian war harness is virtually the only article of clothing worn by a Martian warrior, regardless of "race".
I will be the first to admit that I have yet to conceptualize the "small" picture of a Thark war harness. I know what it looks like (what I want it to look like) from "afar", but the details are very vague--at best. Part of the problem is a dependence on the source material, in spite of the dearth of details as provided by ERB.
I have just concluded roughing-in the right shoulder strap of the harness. A design I keep coming back to is a pared-down, open- backed version of a kataginu, in leather of course. Aside from liking the esthetics of the look, it will add depth and an added dimension to the bust.
More to follow. . .
I will be the first to admit that I have yet to conceptualize the "small" picture of a Thark war harness. I know what it looks like (what I want it to look like) from "afar", but the details are very vague--at best. Part of the problem is a dependence on the source material, in spite of the dearth of details as provided by ERB.
I have just concluded roughing-in the right shoulder strap of the harness. A design I keep coming back to is a pared-down, open- backed version of a kataginu, in leather of course. Aside from liking the esthetics of the look, it will add depth and an added dimension to the bust.
More to follow. . .
05 August 2011
Red Skull #3--Prepwork, Phase 1 completed
The arms have been fitted and await the fine tuning/finishing. Very pleased and a significant improvement on the overall dynamics of the figure. Not quite out of the woods yet, but the heavy undergrowth is thinning-out noticeably!
And the "crotch seam" has been filled and faired. This effectively concludes Phase 1 of the prepwork--all that remains to be done is the general clean-up, which as I mentioned in the review, is minimal.
Phase 2, the namesake, will commence shortly. . .
And the "crotch seam" has been filled and faired. This effectively concludes Phase 1 of the prepwork--all that remains to be done is the general clean-up, which as I mentioned in the review, is minimal.
Phase 2, the namesake, will commence shortly. . .
Tars Tarkas -- Prepwork (1a)
Just a quick one to bring the readership up-to-date. . .
Reduction of the harness has begun in earnest. . . I figure I'm about half-way there. Next step will be to reduce it to its scale thickness while beginning to work-in the stress-work in the leather and the tension drapery.
More to follow. . .
Reduction of the harness has begun in earnest. . . I figure I'm about half-way there. Next step will be to reduce it to its scale thickness while beginning to work-in the stress-work in the leather and the tension drapery.
More to follow. . .
03 August 2011
Red Skull #3--Into the breach. . .
It was a short lived honeymoon; but to look on the bright side, at least there was one!
I stand by my original review. Having said that, there is a world of difference between good castings and good fit! The castings are undeniably exquisite. The fit? Not so much. And save for a shrinkage differential between the torso and the arms, there is no apparent distortion.
Today, I removed the sword's scabbard mount, and assembled the legs, and the torso to the same. I now have a headless and armless figure before me. There is a significant gap (~1mm) along the entire mid-seam of the breeches, front to back. Yes, this could have been addressed by reducing the respective contact surfaces, but that would have compromised the fit of the torso.
The torso's fit to the legs unit was less than precise in the absence of a "key". Still, not a bad join with but a minimal fill along the back of the waist, below the belt. The main problem, as alluded to above, will be with the arms. These simply do not fit well, with the torso shrink- ing more than the limbs, and the right arm shrinking more than the left. I have yet to see a build-up that tackles this glaring issue, much less make mention of it.
I have yet to decide on how to approach this. Unfortunately, due to some poor judgement on the design of the hands, I can not remove the hands, hollow-out the sleeves, and model wrist stumps. Since the back of the right hand will be inaccessible to paint once the arm is mounted, the grief is compounded. . .
On the plus side, the separately cast cap fits the head like a glove! PERFECT!!
More to follow. . .
UPDATE - 04.08.11. . . After countless dry-fittings, burnishing contact surfaces, trimming mounting keys. . . you name it!. . . I decided that the only way to effectively take care of the "arm pro- blem" is to tackle it "old school". In other words, carefully fitting first one arm (I elected to start with the left as it would take two sessions at most), and then the next. I should be done with the left arm tonight; hopefully I'll be done with the right arm over the weekend. The right arm is a little more involved, as the sleeve will have to be substantially shimmed. . . as will the tunic upon which it rests.
Ah. . . the joys of figure painting!
I stand by my original review. Having said that, there is a world of difference between good castings and good fit! The castings are undeniably exquisite. The fit? Not so much. And save for a shrinkage differential between the torso and the arms, there is no apparent distortion.
Today, I removed the sword's scabbard mount, and assembled the legs, and the torso to the same. I now have a headless and armless figure before me. There is a significant gap (~1mm) along the entire mid-seam of the breeches, front to back. Yes, this could have been addressed by reducing the respective contact surfaces, but that would have compromised the fit of the torso.
The torso's fit to the legs unit was less than precise in the absence of a "key". Still, not a bad join with but a minimal fill along the back of the waist, below the belt. The main problem, as alluded to above, will be with the arms. These simply do not fit well, with the torso shrink- ing more than the limbs, and the right arm shrinking more than the left. I have yet to see a build-up that tackles this glaring issue, much less make mention of it.
I have yet to decide on how to approach this. Unfortunately, due to some poor judgement on the design of the hands, I can not remove the hands, hollow-out the sleeves, and model wrist stumps. Since the back of the right hand will be inaccessible to paint once the arm is mounted, the grief is compounded. . .
On the plus side, the separately cast cap fits the head like a glove! PERFECT!!
More to follow. . .
UPDATE - 04.08.11. . . After countless dry-fittings, burnishing contact surfaces, trimming mounting keys. . . you name it!. . . I decided that the only way to effectively take care of the "arm pro- blem" is to tackle it "old school". In other words, carefully fitting first one arm (I elected to start with the left as it would take two sessions at most), and then the next. I should be done with the left arm tonight; hopefully I'll be done with the right arm over the weekend. The right arm is a little more involved, as the sleeve will have to be substantially shimmed. . . as will the tunic upon which it rests.
Ah. . . the joys of figure painting!
02 August 2011
Red Skull #3--Andrea's Reinhard Heydrich
I started my first full-figure rendition of the Red Skull just three weeks-shy of a year ago. Now, I have an ip bust and full-figure on the bench, soon to be joined by what will be my last dance with Herr Johann. . .
I have just received Andrea Miniatures' 90mm rendition of Reinhard Heydrich in 1937. You can well imagine my trepidation regarding this acquisition--especially given my past experiences with this manufacturer, and my experience with this project's immediate precursor. BUT. . . the uniform and pose are exactly what I was seeking, and the price was right. Nothing ventured. . . nothing gained.
This figure was released in June, 2007, the first in the manufacturer's 90mm "The Third Reich -- Rise & Fall" series. Admittedly, a strange choice for a series, to say nothing of a premiere subject! Regardless, Andrea has released some real gems in this series, and if my sample of Heydrich is any indication of what a miniaturist can expect, then they will not feel at all short-changed!
On the whole, this is an EXCELLENT kit! The castings (8 pcs. + base) are a throwback (comeback?) to happier times: Andrea at its best! On a historical note, I don't believe that the boxart, or any number of the build-ups on the Web, do justice to the portraiture of Heydrich. It is actually quite good! The detail is crisp throughout, most notably on the sword, which I will regrettably not include in my conversion.
As to the project, fairly straight OOB! Some slight mods to the left leg to delete the belting associated with the sword; tweaking of decorations, etc.; and - of course - remodelling the head and adding the cigarette holder.
I will start clean-up (VERY little to be done) and assembly in short order, but this is a Fall project.
Stay tuned!
I have just received Andrea Miniatures' 90mm rendition of Reinhard Heydrich in 1937. You can well imagine my trepidation regarding this acquisition--especially given my past experiences with this manufacturer, and my experience with this project's immediate precursor. BUT. . . the uniform and pose are exactly what I was seeking, and the price was right. Nothing ventured. . . nothing gained.
This figure was released in June, 2007, the first in the manufacturer's 90mm "The Third Reich -- Rise & Fall" series. Admittedly, a strange choice for a series, to say nothing of a premiere subject! Regardless, Andrea has released some real gems in this series, and if my sample of Heydrich is any indication of what a miniaturist can expect, then they will not feel at all short-changed!
On the whole, this is an EXCELLENT kit! The castings (8 pcs. + base) are a throwback (comeback?) to happier times: Andrea at its best! On a historical note, I don't believe that the boxart, or any number of the build-ups on the Web, do justice to the portraiture of Heydrich. It is actually quite good! The detail is crisp throughout, most notably on the sword, which I will regrettably not include in my conversion.
As to the project, fairly straight OOB! Some slight mods to the left leg to delete the belting associated with the sword; tweaking of decorations, etc.; and - of course - remodelling the head and adding the cigarette holder.
I will start clean-up (VERY little to be done) and assembly in short order, but this is a Fall project.
Stay tuned!
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