15 March 2016

Deadpool (cont.)

24 hrs. in the "purple bath" should take care of the lion's share of the paint, in my sample reveal- ing an excellent casting. Once I removed the base and the harness/scabbards unit (see below), I decided to leave it in the bath one more night.

Eaglemoss is rapidly approaching the top of its game when it comes to casting bonded resin. As I mentioned, the casting is excellent. And it is definitely not over-engineered! In fact, if anything, it is under-engineered!! The only separate pieces that I have been able to discern as of this writ- ing are: the katana scabbards/back harness; the katana blade and tsuba; and the base! While Eaglemoss has well-earned the kudos expressed herein, I would caution anybody that intends to rework this figure to "make it their own" that the resin is somewhat "soft", and it evinces the ther- mal instability characteristic of bonded Al castings. . .

As to the TDL, this is what I have to date:
  • Rework the musculature to achieve an aesthetic "middle-ground".
  • Resculpt harness and scabbards.
  • Resculpt katana.
  • Resculpt/replace holsters + guns (and probably webbing). 
  • Sculpt/add magazine pouches.
  • Sculpt (add) shin guards/greaves.
  • Sculpt (add) vambraces. 

I should be grinding by the weekend. . .

UPDATE 16.03.16. . . The figure is out of the bath, and the legs have been tapped: it is now "cur- ing" in the oven. Once done, I will mount it on its work base. DONE!

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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