I consider myself a somewhat experienced, logical miniaturist who can think "outside the box" (literally and figuratively) and overcome just about any problem that a manufacturer can throw at me. Well... either I have an overinflated impression of myself; or don't expect to see many Doctor Dooms on the show tables in the near future--if ever!
The kit is comprised of 11 pieces: 4 PUR and 7 white metal. The PUR pieces and one of the white metal pieces comprise the throne and floor; the balance of the white metal pieces make up the titular subject: head, torso, 2 arms and two legs. The metal casting quality is overall Good: for a new casting it is, at best, Fair; in one notable instance, Poor. The PUR castings are decidedly below average, with mold deterioration obvious and an unacceptable amount flash present. I will say that most of the molding problems point to a less than "finished" master sculpt and/or production prototypes.
The design is deplorable! Neither the throne nor the figure is a stand alone item: the figure has no back, the throne has no seat, and most of the voluminous cape is part of the respective arms of the throne!! What makes this worse is the fact that there is no way to assemble a PUR throne around a white metal figure and hope to be able to correct any mistake/s! And given the different shrinkage coefficients of the respective mediums, how can any manufacturer expect to reproduce the fit--to say nothing of a seamless fit --of the master? [NOTE: If you look closely at "the green", the master's fit was anything but seamless!]
This will be the last Knight Models release I will buy. This company desperately needs to reassess its production design and capabilities-- AND its quality control!--if it expects to capitalize its niche market position, to say nothing of survive. Unless, of course, their true target audience is the collector, not the miniaturist--which would explain a lot!!!
FINAL VERDICT: After spending most of the afternoon trying to find "the key" that would unlock the mystery behind assembling this kit and making it fit, and discovering a number of production deviations from the master, I have come to the conclusion that this is very possibly the worst designed kit vis-à-vis its production quality I have ever had the displeasure to have purchased!
Knight Models: you have lost a patron and a fan
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