20 February 2012

Looking ahead in 2012. . .

The 2012 Atlanta Show is now behind me. I hope everyone had/has an uneventful and safe trip home. My prayers are with LTC Mike Hall, USA (Ret.) who had a rather eventful--and less than enjoyable--week in Atlanta. Get well soon, my friend!

And the Atlanta Show is now behind me--literally and figuratively. All good things must come to an end, and the time has come.

Which means that I am now truly compelled to revise the originally published tentative slate for 2012. Here goes. . .

1) Loki (Knight Models 75mm)
2) Divio Juckal [SP vârcolac] (Smart Max, 1/35th)
3) Moon Knight (Knight Models, 75mm)
4) "Lord of Asgard" (Andrea, 54mm)
5) Red Skull [Bust #2] (Young Miniatures, 1/10th scale)

As always, subject--and quite likely!--to change.

Finally, insofar as the blog is concerned, it is also quite likely you will see an ebb in the activity herein. Henceforth, it will serve as a personal on-line journal of my creative pursuits at my discretion.

I will always be a sculptor and a miniaturist because that is what I am. But whereas I once believed that to be an artist ones work had to be seen, the fallacy of that belief has been made painfully clear to me over the last few years, particularly with the ascendency of undiscerning "Academics". It is time to retreat into my closet and not only do what I do best, but enjoy most!



  1. I hope not Augie...that would be a real shame !

    I enjoyed our all too short chats at the show.


  2. Firstly, wonderful to see you and Marion again, and to be able to spend a little time chatting with you both! Definitely an opportunity to reminisce about happier times. . .

    Thank you, Alan. Your comment is very much appreciated. I should have been a bit more precise in my wording: what I meant to say is that it is my last Atlanta Show as an exhibitor. The plan going forth is to drop by, see some old friends, do a little shopping, and call it a day. All that remains to be seen is whether I do it Friday evening or Saturday morning--if the former, first round is on me; the latter, I'll buy you a cup of "coffee" at Starbuck's.

    Thanks again, and congrats to you both for the BoS and the Atlanta Cup! Don't be a stranger!!

    Warmest regards,

