Moving right along, I have spent the last hour roughing-in the pants and the shirt. I know, I know. . . I said I wouldn't resculpt all the clothing, but. . . which parts do you let stand? As you will see, the pants will be entirely reworked. The shirt. . . as of this writing I would say 60-75% will end up being reworked.
"In for a penny, in for a pound", I suppose. Based on what I see so far, it will be well worth it.
As a sidebar note, with the remaining MS, I modelled the wrist stumps on the hands.
11.04.2009The second day of putty-work is just about over with a now considerably heftier figure curing in the oven. Most of the day was spent reducing the already applied MS; reworking the shoulders and yoke of the shirt; and repositioning the head to make way for a buttoned shirt collar: the kit has an open collar. Which leads me to my perennial question: what
do people use for references when designing a kit???
12.04.2009By way of follow-up, the cuffs have been reamed and the wrist stumps fitted. The hands will be permanently attached prior to priming; but for now, it is more convenient to have them separate, especially as this affords me the option to tweak the positioning as the reworking of the drapery progresses. . .
15.04.2009Steady progress over the last three days, but hardly good copy. . . The putty work on the clothes is all-but-done: there will be the invariable touch-ups and tweaks, but the roughing-in is behind me.
Today I began taking a closer look at the face/head. I originally thought that this was the one aspect of the kit that would remain "stock"; but upon critical examination, it too will require some work. Save for some delicate reworking of what would be the "applianced" area, most of the work will involve filling-out and re-texturing: good practice for the hands and feet!
I will now bring this post to a close. By Monday, I will launch "Assembly (4)" with a multi-view image of the piece-to-date to kick things off.
Until then. . .