15 August 2019

White Walker - Prepwork 1

As I mentioned in the previous posting, I glued the torso halves last night. This afternoon, I glued the legs together; attached the feet; assembled the head (2 pieces); and removed the molded half-sleeve ties from the torso, and the half-sleeves from the arms. I also packed the hollow torso and head with MS.

Re: the half-sleeves. I believe this was the inspiration for the inclusion of half-sleeves:

From a practical standpoint, it provides for a seamless join of the arms to the torso. Regardless, it just didn't "work" for me: after seeing images of the production prototype, I decided to remove the half-sleeves. . . and the attendant ties. 

This weekend, I intend to attach the torso to the legs 16.08.2019--DONE! [This will result in a seamless join if done patiently and carefully. I used ZAP CA+ as the adhesive.] 

When the cost of a hobby exceeds the fun and doesn't attract new people, the game is over.” -
Oscar Koveleski, August 2003

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