29 December 2009

Monarch Nosferatu--PAINTING (I): Primed

Let the painting begin!!!!!



  1. Wow. You really captured Max's likeness. Can't wait to see him painted!

  2. Augie,

    Lookin' GOOOOD!!!

    Color scheme questions: What color is the cap? Are the trousers black or same as frock coat? and finally is the craevat black?

    I can't wait to see the sbs get under way!!:-):-)


  3. Thanks, guys!

    Lloyd: With the film being in B&W, and no notes or "insider" commentary to the best of my knowledge having survived, this will be a study in "black". The cap was definitely black, as was the cravat, but the garments could have been just about any colour that would appear as a dark grey/black in the B&W film of the period.

    The reason behind my selection of black, as that of many of the top names in the art who are true cognoscenti of the character, is that Murnau was in many ways much more faithful to the Stoker novel than those that followed. Hence, black.

    But, remember, "black" is relative, and this will be an exercise in tonal extremes, leaving the "pure" black for the cap, cravat and shoes, differentiated by the textural differences between the three component materials . . .
