Since my last posting in this thread, I've focused most of my attention on the BoF vignette and Wolfie. Still, that doesn't mean that significant headway has not been made. . .
The legs are about 80% complete. I've continued to tweak spatial relationships along the length of the torso, replacing braids that had been formerly removed and marginally extending the frock as the proportions are shifted downward, if you will. Finally, roughing-out of the frock enhancements is now mostly done.
I will try to post ip images soon. . .
28 March 2010
21 March 2010
Halbarad Dúnadan--Update
What with "Rebuffed!" and Wolfie occupying all the front burners on the bench, there has been little time for the "wee folk"--90mm is shockingly small after one has been working on 1/8th scale projects for over a year!
Nonetheless, I had some left-over putty from a tweaking/touch-up session with Wolfie, and I took the opportunity to rough-in the extension of the boot-tops to depict riding boots, and fit the front-panel of the erstwhile surcoat.
Slowly but surely. . .
Nonetheless, I had some left-over putty from a tweaking/touch-up session with Wolfie, and I took the opportunity to rough-in the extension of the boot-tops to depict riding boots, and fit the front-panel of the erstwhile surcoat.
Slowly but surely. . .
"The Wolf Man"--The Trap (I)
After capturing 25+ stills from the film, and perusing I-don't-know-how-many sites, images, etc., I am finally comfortable with proceeding with the pivotal gin trap.
In the last 48 hrs., I have made two maquettes: one from epoxy putty, and the other from brass. Neither medium lent itself to what I want to do, or--more importantly--how I want to do it. Thus, for now, I have settled on PUR, working from scrap blanks. I am virtually certain that this will be a multi-media undertaking, but the primary raw material will be PUR.
To date, I have an all-but-done extended stock with the rough standards permanently attached; and an as-yet-to-be-attached bridge.
Stay tuned. . .
In an attempt to get a jump on the week ahead, I have now cast two rough jaw blanks. The operative word here is "rough". Very simply, I made a quick open-faced mold from Klean-Klay, first pressing the stock on its side into the clay to give me a dimensional guideline; and then carefully scraping-out two flattened U-shaped channels. I then poured regular Alumilite into the channels. . . et, voilà! If I eyeballed things correctly, I should have two jaw blanks momentarily. If not, the whole process takes less than 20 minutes. . .
The jaws are now ~80% done. All that is really left to do is finishing and tweaking dimensions--and the mounting/pivot lugs on the jaws. As to the teeth (BTW, pliant rubber in the film), I consider these a point of detail, and will thus be done at a later date.
In the last 48 hrs., I have made two maquettes: one from epoxy putty, and the other from brass. Neither medium lent itself to what I want to do, or--more importantly--how I want to do it. Thus, for now, I have settled on PUR, working from scrap blanks. I am virtually certain that this will be a multi-media undertaking, but the primary raw material will be PUR.
To date, I have an all-but-done extended stock with the rough standards permanently attached; and an as-yet-to-be-attached bridge.
Stay tuned. . .
In an attempt to get a jump on the week ahead, I have now cast two rough jaw blanks. The operative word here is "rough". Very simply, I made a quick open-faced mold from Klean-Klay, first pressing the stock on its side into the clay to give me a dimensional guideline; and then carefully scraping-out two flattened U-shaped channels. I then poured regular Alumilite into the channels. . . et, voilà! If I eyeballed things correctly, I should have two jaw blanks momentarily. If not, the whole process takes less than 20 minutes. . .
The jaws are now ~80% done. All that is really left to do is finishing and tweaking dimensions--and the mounting/pivot lugs on the jaws. As to the teeth (BTW, pliant rubber in the film), I consider these a point of detail, and will thus be done at a later date.
16 March 2010
"The Wolf Man"--Resumption
Hard to believe that it has been over 7 months since I have spent any appreciable time on my first major overhaul of an injected-styrene monster kit. . .
When I left off, I stated that "the Wolf Man (save for the trap and reworking the hands and feet) is in the final stages of finishing". . . That turns out to have been a bit of an overstatement; or a statement made without the benefit of sufficient distance to critically see what was actually before me. Unlike when I returned to Nosferatu, there is considerably more work to be done before this project can be deemed to be on the home stretch: more reworking--and only then the refinement.
Most of my efforts will be spent on the upper half of the figure: head and torso. Re: the former, not a particularly strong likeness; never was. A definite improvement over the stock item, but not what I am striving for; hence, "Wolfie" will spend some time 'at the salon' getting the coiffure reworked. ADDENDUM: The mouth will be reworked to depict a partially opened grimace of pain.
As to the torso, still very much a work ip, but getting there. For starters, the forearms have been extended about 5mm, give or take. Next, the drapery. This is still a few sessions away from the refinement stage, but I'm beginning to see a glimmer in the distance.
What of the lower half? Definitely ready for finishing. As are the hands! This was a pleasant surprise.
More to follow. . .
I have removed the visible dentition and opened the oral activity in preparation for the aforementioned modification.
I have also begun work on the trap. This is going to be a major sub-project unto itself, if only because of my overall lack of familiarity with the operational details of the mechanism. . . FOLLOW-UP which have now been addressed. Now to decide from what materials to construct the trap components. . .
When I left off, I stated that "the Wolf Man (save for the trap and reworking the hands and feet) is in the final stages of finishing". . . That turns out to have been a bit of an overstatement; or a statement made without the benefit of sufficient distance to critically see what was actually before me. Unlike when I returned to Nosferatu, there is considerably more work to be done before this project can be deemed to be on the home stretch: more reworking--and only then the refinement.
Most of my efforts will be spent on the upper half of the figure: head and torso. Re: the former, not a particularly strong likeness; never was. A definite improvement over the stock item, but not what I am striving for; hence, "Wolfie" will spend some time 'at the salon' getting the coiffure reworked. ADDENDUM: The mouth will be reworked to depict a partially opened grimace of pain.
As to the torso, still very much a work ip, but getting there. For starters, the forearms have been extended about 5mm, give or take. Next, the drapery. This is still a few sessions away from the refinement stage, but I'm beginning to see a glimmer in the distance.
What of the lower half? Definitely ready for finishing. As are the hands! This was a pleasant surprise.
More to follow. . .
I have removed the visible dentition and opened the oral activity in preparation for the aforementioned modification.
I have also begun work on the trap. This is going to be a major sub-project unto itself, if only because of my overall lack of familiarity with the operational details of the mechanism. . . FOLLOW-UP which have now been addressed. Now to decide from what materials to construct the trap components. . .
14 March 2010
I've been giving serious thought to going to WF 2010 for about 3 months. In what capacity was always debatable, but I was not considering entering anything. . .
Those of you who know me are probably snorting. "Yeah. . . right," and I hate to say that you'd be right. In any event, with all the Murphy-isms that can derail the best laid plans as a cautionary disclaimer, I am as of this writing going to focus on the Wolf Man in the hope of having him completed by early May, and allow the "happy couple" to bask in each other's ip radiance for a few weeks.
This doesn't mean that I won't be dropping in on the BoF project in the interim: simply that the lion's share of my discretionary time will be focused on M. Talbot.
And with that. . . the clock's ticking!
Those of you who know me are probably snorting. "Yeah. . . right," and I hate to say that you'd be right. In any event, with all the Murphy-isms that can derail the best laid plans as a cautionary disclaimer, I am as of this writing going to focus on the Wolf Man in the hope of having him completed by early May, and allow the "happy couple" to bask in each other's ip radiance for a few weeks.
This doesn't mean that I won't be dropping in on the BoF project in the interim: simply that the lion's share of my discretionary time will be focused on M. Talbot.
And with that. . . the clock's ticking!
13 March 2010
"Rebuffed!": The Monster's Legs and Boots
As I mentioned earlier, work has commenced on the boots (image is of the ip reworked right boot) where no additional work was anticipated:

(click to enlarge)
Also, the finishing of the pants continues, awaiting the permanent attachment of the boots. Once I have attached the boots, I will post an image of the all-but-done lower half of the Monster in this thread.
(click to enlarge)
Also, the finishing of the pants continues, awaiting the permanent attachment of the boots. Once I have attached the boots, I will post an image of the all-but-done lower half of the Monster in this thread.
12 March 2010
"Rebuffed!": The Monster's Head--Graphic Update #3
(click to enlarge)
A quick entry to show you where the head is to-date. Provided I am not called in to work, I hope to have the scalp staples completed over the weekend, and noticeable progress made on the hair.
ALL the scalp staples and the left temporal hair have now been completed. I figure that by this time next week, the Monster's head will hopefully be done. . .
07 March 2010
While I decide which aspect of the project will command my attention next, I've "worked a little here, worked a little there" on the following:
Stay tuned!
The Bride has to be next. . .
How tall was Elsa Lanchester? How tall was the Bride?? These are the questions. . .
I'll keep this brief, as it is late. Ms. Lanchester's male supporters in her iconic role were all approximately 6' tall. Karloff in full costume was approximately 6'4" in height--5-6" taller than in stocking feet. Yet the Bride is distinctly taller than all of them!
Elsa Lanchester was just under 5'5" tall. From everything I have read, Whale had her use stilts to elevate her height to a towering 7'!
Thus any posing of the Monster will have to wait until the position of the Bride's left arm is finalized and securely keyed. . .
- Put in the Bride's eyes.
- Roughed-out the deltoids on the Bride's left arm, and further adjusted the fit of the repositioned arm.
- Began work on the Monster's left hand, repositioning the first two fingers and fusing them.
- Began work on the boots. This was an area I did not expect to have to spend too much time on, but was I wrong!
Stay tuned!
The Bride has to be next. . .
How tall was Elsa Lanchester? How tall was the Bride?? These are the questions. . .
I'll keep this brief, as it is late. Ms. Lanchester's male supporters in her iconic role were all approximately 6' tall. Karloff in full costume was approximately 6'4" in height--5-6" taller than in stocking feet. Yet the Bride is distinctly taller than all of them!
Elsa Lanchester was just under 5'5" tall. From everything I have read, Whale had her use stilts to elevate her height to a towering 7'!
Thus any posing of the Monster will have to wait until the position of the Bride's left arm is finalized and securely keyed. . .
- The Bride's left arm has been fitted, keyed, and is ready to go.
- The Monster's right arm has been permanently attached, and I have begun to build-up the right shoulder with MS.
- The Monster's legs have been locked in place, and all cuts, etc. filled. I am reasonably certain that, save for extending the pant legs over the boots, the putty work on the pants has been concluded.
- Finalized the face. . . I now have Karloff as The Monster in The BoF before me!
- The Monster's right boot is now awaiting final reduction (of putty) and finishing. A dramatic improvement--as forthcoming images will attest--that will sadly go largely unnoticed.
06 March 2010
"Rebuffed!": The Monster's Head--Graphic Update #2
(click to enlarge)
EUREKA!!! Or should that be, "IT'S ALIVE!!!"
Just completed what are the final facial tweaks, and I am delighted! There will probably be minor "adjustments' once the hair and the bolts are in place, but I anticipate these to be minor, at worst.
This is my second 1/8 scale head of Karloff in an iconic Universal role, the first being the mummified Im-ho-tep. Ever a challenge. . . ever a pleasure!
Halbarad Dúnadan--Graphic Update
(click to enlarge)
Nothing much to add, save that regarding the erstwhile portion of mail formerly visible between the legs of the subject, how did the mail go from being the second layer of garments to the first, front to back?
05 March 2010
Hard to believe that one year ago to the day, this site was launched with me barely knowing what a blog was about! Since that time, despite some fetching options, I've grown to appreciate not only what a blog has to offer, but its limitations as well.
114 posts, 143 comments, and Lord knows how many "updates", "follow-ups", etc. that in a bulletin-board type forum would be counted as a stand-alone post. Not too shabby. And with comments outnumbering postings, the relative success of this site is in no small way due to you, the readership. And for this you have my heartfelt thanks.
While I've resisted installing a hit-counter, I can say with certainty that our daily traffic is very good. We've had visitors from 5 continents, and afaic tell, a significant number of "regulars"--I'd love to hear their impressions, thoughts, comments on how we're doing; what they like--and don't; etc.
So, what's in store for 2010? While I will spend some of my time over on EPH, not as much as I thought I might earlier this year. In short, you can expect more of the same, and then some! Hope this is good news, and I hope you'll drop-by often.
Best regards, with thanks to all,
114 posts, 143 comments, and Lord knows how many "updates", "follow-ups", etc. that in a bulletin-board type forum would be counted as a stand-alone post. Not too shabby. And with comments outnumbering postings, the relative success of this site is in no small way due to you, the readership. And for this you have my heartfelt thanks.
While I've resisted installing a hit-counter, I can say with certainty that our daily traffic is very good. We've had visitors from 5 continents, and afaic tell, a significant number of "regulars"--I'd love to hear their impressions, thoughts, comments on how we're doing; what they like--and don't; etc.
So, what's in store for 2010? While I will spend some of my time over on EPH, not as much as I thought I might earlier this year. In short, you can expect more of the same, and then some! Hope this is good news, and I hope you'll drop-by often.
Best regards, with thanks to all,
03 March 2010
"Rebuffed!": The Monster's Head--Graphic Update #1
(click to enlarge)
The face is now 75% done, give or take. Most of the work this evening focused on the mouth and jawline, one of the few areas left as is by Pierce. I am very pleased with what is slowly emerging and any images at this stage are, by definition, out of context.
In addition to tweaking the mouth and expression, I enhanced the lower lids, and roughed-in the scarred area on the right cheek, as well as the two major staples on the forehead. I will probably concentrate on establishing the hairline and stitched incisions over the weekend.
The Monster's face is now all-but-done. Yes, there will probably be tweaking here and there right up to the moment I prime it, but for all intents and purposes, the face can be deemed "completed". . . or nearly so.
I've started enhancing the suture lines and plotting out the hairline. Keep in mind that this is no more the Frankenstein monster, than the Son of Frankenstein monster is the Bride's groom. Each installment in the Karloff trilogy was separated by four years from its predecessor: Karloff was not only aging (43 in 1931), but he was finally enjoying the rewards of his lifelong sacrifices for his art and craft. So in this reclamation, not only am I restoring/creating Karloff's likeness, but I'm converting the '31 semblance to the '35: in addition to the burn scars, the groom's hair is scorched short in the TBoF, thus revealing the full complement of scalp staples.
I'll try to get images up over the weekend.
The face is now 75% done, give or take. Most of the work this evening focused on the mouth and jawline, one of the few areas left as is by Pierce. I am very pleased with what is slowly emerging and any images at this stage are, by definition, out of context.
In addition to tweaking the mouth and expression, I enhanced the lower lids, and roughed-in the scarred area on the right cheek, as well as the two major staples on the forehead. I will probably concentrate on establishing the hairline and stitched incisions over the weekend.
The Monster's face is now all-but-done. Yes, there will probably be tweaking here and there right up to the moment I prime it, but for all intents and purposes, the face can be deemed "completed". . . or nearly so.
I've started enhancing the suture lines and plotting out the hairline. Keep in mind that this is no more the Frankenstein monster, than the Son of Frankenstein monster is the Bride's groom. Each installment in the Karloff trilogy was separated by four years from its predecessor: Karloff was not only aging (43 in 1931), but he was finally enjoying the rewards of his lifelong sacrifices for his art and craft. So in this reclamation, not only am I restoring/creating Karloff's likeness, but I'm converting the '31 semblance to the '35: in addition to the burn scars, the groom's hair is scorched short in the TBoF, thus revealing the full complement of scalp staples.
I'll try to get images up over the weekend.
02 March 2010
"Rebuffed!": UPDATEs
A picture might be worth a thousand words, but an hour (or two) at the bench is priceless!
Today's updates. . .
Today's updates. . .
- The Monster's head is now close to 70% done, with the facial "landscaping" well underway.
- The Bride and The Monster's torso are now filled with PUR. This allowed me to hollow out the neck socket on the latter, and peg the head to the torso. Things are quickly coming together. . .
- In addition to the work done on the Monster's head, I turned my attention to the neglected Bride. I shortened her neck by 7-8mm, and reduced the underside of her erstwhile bulging coiffure. The head is now pegged, as is her left arm: regarding the latter, I will have to rebuild her deltoid region to allow for the arm's new position.
01 March 2010
"Rebuffed!": The Monster's Head
The Monster's head is now 50-60% complete. Regrettably, I did not take ip shots to document every phase: if the stock head is Phase 0, I am now fast approaching Phase 3.
In lieu of photographs, allow me to recap:
In lieu of photographs, allow me to recap:
- Filled head with PUR. Reduced the hair, and removed both ears.
- Carefully separated lower half of face (jeweler's saw), and reattached 1-2mm lower: the upper lip was too shallow and the nose a tad short.
- Reattached the ears 2-3mm higher than the original location.
- Filled all gaps with MS and enhanced upper lids (nb: Karloff came up with this idea; used mortician's wax) with same. Began re-modelling the facial features.
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