16 January 2011

Doctor Doom - Painting (I)

Please forgive the condensed nature of this reportage, but with time being of the essence, one must strike while the iron is hot (the brushes wet?).

U/C'ing of Doom was essentially completed early this morning before calling it a night (the only item that remains to be u/c'ed is the throne itself). With that done--and cured, it was time to break out the metallics.

Given the relatively small scale and the absence of "wiggle room" to manage free-hand buffing, the metallic lacquer (G-S Chrome Silver) was essentially dry-brushed on, burnishing as I went. This worked out quite well, save for the fact that I had to touch-up the u/c'ing on the tunic due to the powdery misting of metallic pigment over the lower half of the figure.

The figure is now in the oven to "set" the lacquer so that I can begin shading and outlining the leg harnesses tomorrow.

More to follow. . .

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