24 January 2011

The Scorpion (Carmilla Black)--Prepwork I

After a long weekend at the bench, a LONG Monday at work, and having a list of things to do before proceeding with the painting odyssey, I decided to take a night off and get my ducks in order, as it were. . .

Well, it wasn't all Work. After concluding the rebuild of my AB, I spent some time with a post-Show front-burner project. I've got quite a bit of work to do on the Scorpion (CB) bust, so I might as well jump-in feet first!

As I mentioned in the introductory posting, I always intended to make some mods to the basic sculpt. I hasten to point out that there is nothing "wrong" with the sculpture or the casting! These are changes that I feel necessary to fulfill my vision of Carmilla--and add a bit of interest, appeal to the sculpt. One of the changes to be tackled after the show is reworking the left arm to depict an expanded gauntlet; but there are less-involved mods that can be at least started now.

First up: shortening the base. The only thing I do not like about these busts are the oversized--height wise--pedestals. This is largely a matter of personal preference/taste, but it obvious that they were not intended to be mounted on a display base. So first stage reduction was eliminating 10-15mm of circular sub-pedestal. This now leaves me with the hexagonal truncated cone, which lends itself quite nicely to either a circular or a square base.

I've also played around with some putty, working on her breasts and adding a bit more flare to the hips. This is all very preliminary, but more than a crude rough-in. Finally, I've begun smoothing out the casting with file and sandpaper: this one is a bit less finished than I have come to expect, but nothing major.

And that's about it. . . for now.

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