01 February 2011

Doctor Doom - Painting: Intermezzo (2)

A short evening/night and a L-O-N-G day ahead of me tomorrow is not the makings of a blockbuster night at the bench, so I decided to keep it short and sweet . . .

Doom's groundwork has been completed! I was actually a bit unsure on how I was going to approach this, but once I broke out the oils, it was smooth sailing. Obviously there will be some retouching, recasting of the lights once the throne (read: figure!) has been permanently mounted; but for now, I couldn't be happier!

Speaking of the watershed transferal, I am hoping to have Doom permanently mounted on his display pedestal sometime this weekend. I want to have any gilding in contact with the groundwork finished before I proceed, but most of the gilding will be done once the figure is mounted.

The balance of the evening will be devoted to Doom's eyes, which have not been touched to date!

More to follow. . .

FOLLOW-UP. . . The "whites" of Doom's eyes have been blocked-in. Wrapping them up is gonna be tricky: there is very little room to maneuver, and given the penchant of acrylic painters for heavy shadows and "overhead light", I'm not too sure if the eyes were ever intended to be seen. BUT. . . the eyes themselves are fairly sharply rendered, so there will be eyes!

UPDATE - 05.02.11. . . The last few days have been spent in bed with an illness I would wish upon very few. Today is my first day at the bench since last Wednesday, and this has been the picture-perfect ill-timed illness: not only is the show less than a fortnight away, but I am slammed at work with unseasonable volume.

I am still at least a couple of days from being 100%, which means I will make no significant headway before next weekend. So I try to take baby-steps and work my way towards the ultimate goal. To this end, Doom has been permanently mounted on his display base. I have also painted and sealed the mantle clasp chains.

The gods willing, I will be able to set the eyes and attach the mantle chains tomorrow. That will at least make-up for some lost time. Otherwise. . .

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